What is Estate Planning?

At its simplest, estate planning is the process of putting a plan in place to ensure a person’s wishes regarding their property, personal and financial care, and family are honored when they die or become incapacitated and cannot make those decisions on their own.

A plan can include the following considerations:

  • Who will receive a person’s property when they die and how it should be received

  • Who should serve as guardian of any minor children

  • Who is best qualified to make a person’s health care decisions in the event they cannot speak for themselves

  • Who should make financial decisions for a person if they become incapacitated

  • What are a person’s end-of-life instructions, such as whether or not they would like to be resuscitated, be kept on life support or receive artificial hydration and nutrition if they are in a persistent vegetative state or terminal medical condition, or whether they wish to donate organs

  • How a person can provide for family members with special needs

  • How a person can provide for loved ones who may need future protection from creditors or in divorce

  • How a person can transfer their business upon their retirement, disability, or death

  • How a person can minimize taxes, court costs, and unnecessary expenses and legal fees

  • And much more!

Estate planning should be an ongoing process, not a one-time event. Circumstances inevitably change as time goes by—marriage, divorce, children, illness, and retirement. An estate plan should be a living document that evolves as your life does. Estate Plan Design Center can guide and advise you as you move through the milestones of life.

“Set your house in order,
for you shall die, and not live.”

2 Kings 20:1 (NKJV)